Source code for sipi.cfg

    Simple Configuration Information API

    Configuration files are kept in *~/.config/*. Configuration parameters are treated as "read-only".
    Configuration file format can either be *.json* or *.yaml* , the priority being given to *.json*.
    Configuration file names can either be:
    1. specified using the *filename* parameter
    2. specified using the *ns* parameter
    3. inferred using the command line argument #0
    4. inferred using the command line argument #1
    The options are listed in order of priority.
    >>> which()
    ('ns', 'cfg')
import os
import sys
import json
    import yaml


### GLOBALS - private

[docs]def which(): """ Reports which file will be used to provide configuration *file* and *ns* are optional. >>> which() ('ns', 'cfg') """ global ns, filename global _resolved_type if filename is not None: _resolved_type=("filename", filename) else: if ns is not None: _resolved_type=("ns", ns) if _resolved_type is None: b0=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) n0=b0.split('.')[0] ### if there is only 1 sys.argv, then it must be it! if len(sys.argv)==1: _resolved_type=("ns", n0) else: ### at least 2 arguments on the command-line? ### is the first one "python" in some way? if not n0.startswith("python"): _resolved_type=("ns", n0) b1=os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]) n1=b1.split('.')[0] _resolved_type=("ns", n1) return _resolved_type
[docs]def get(param, default=None): """ Get a configuration parameter >>> get("param1") """ global _config_data if _config_data: return _config_data.get(param, default) typ, value=_maybe_if_ns_then_generate_path(which()) typ, value=_maybe_if_file_then_resolve_path((typ, value)) return typ, value ################################################################################# ### PRIVATE #################################################################################
def _maybe_if_ns_then_generate_path((typ, value), sjson=False, syaml=False): """ In order of priority: 1. json 2. yaml >>> _maybe_if_ns_then_generate_path(("ns", "cfg"), sjson=True) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS ('json', '/home/.../.config/cfg.json') >>> _maybe_if_ns_then_generate_path(("ns", "cfg"), syaml=True) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS ('yaml', '/home/.../.config/cfg.yaml') """ global base_dir if typ!="ns": return (typ, value) r_base_dir=_resolve(base_dir) base_path=os.path.join(r_base_dir, value) json_path=base_path+".json" json_exists=os.path.exists(json_path) if json_exists or sjson: return ("json", json_path) yaml_path=base_path+".yaml" yaml_exists=os.path.exists(yaml_path) if yaml_exists or syaml: return ("yaml", yaml_path) return ("error", ("file not found", (typ, value))) def _maybe_if_file_then_resolve_path((typ, value)): if typ=="filename": return (typ, _resolve(value)) return (typ, value) def _resolve(path): return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path)) if __name__=="__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()