Source code for sipi.cmds

    Simple Command Line tools

import argparse
import fileinput

[docs]def process(line_proc, input_ctx={}, parser_args=None, desc=""): """ Process input files `line_proc` must be a callable which takes 1 tuple as input: (ctx, (code, data)) The parameter `ctx` contains contextual information: * `args`: processed command line arguments (from argparse) * `file`: path of current file being processed * `lineno`: line number in current file * `line`: actual string of the line * `total_files`: the current total of files processed (starts at 1) * `total_lines`: the current total of lines processed for all files processed Codes sent to `line_proc`: * *open*: processing starts * *close*: processing ends * *file start*: processing of a new file starts * *file end*: processing of current file ends * *line*: actual line of a file The parameter `parser_args` is a list of tuples `(pargs, kargs)` for `parser.add_argument` of the standard library module `argparse`. The parameter `desc` is a string description of the command line processor. """ parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(desc) if parser_args is not None: for action in parser_args: pargs, kargs=action parser.add_argument(*pargs, **kargs) parser.add_argument('files', metavar='files', type=str, nargs='+', help='list of files') args = parser.parse_args() ctxs={} total_files=0 total_lines=0 first_file=True try: line_proc((ctxs, ("open", None))) fi=fileinput.input(files=args.files) #current=fi.filename() current=None for line in fi: total_lines=total_lines+1 ctxs={ "args": args, "file": current, "lineno": fi.filelineno(), "line": line, "total_files": total_files, "total_lines": total_lines } if fi.filename()!=current: current=fi.filename() if not first_file: line_proc((ctxs, ("file end", None))) else: first_file=False total_files=total_files+1 line_proc((ctxs, ("file start", None))) ctxs.update(input_ctx) line_proc((ctxs, ("line", line))) except Exception,e: ### try to abort cleanly, if possible try: line_proc((ctxs, ("file end", None))) line_proc((ctxs, ("close", None))) except: ## no use alarming more! pass raise e return ctxs